Business Model

v. 0.1

We aim to become one as the top-tier service provider and the preferred partner in the Real Estate sector, specifically in the realm of smart residential properties enriched with cutting-edge technologies.

We build a business in the real estate sector, aiming to develop a concept of smart residential properties that incorporate cutting-edge technologies. These homes will harness renewable resources, maximize space efficiency, and minimize resource consumption. Furthermore, they will be equipped with self-driving capabilities and will alleviate urban congestion by establishing high-quality districts on the outskirts of bustling metropolises. We provide a straightforward solution to enhance citizens’ quality of life by optimizing their homes, ensuring a well-balanced cost-benefit perspective in every aspect. This model has the potential for global replication.

BUSINESS: Sale of Smart Homes: The company will generate income by selling the smart, sustainable homes it develops to individual buyers or investors.

Premium Features: Additional revenue will be earned by offering premium features and upgrades in the smart homes, which can be sold as add-ons to interested buyers.

Consulting Services: The business will offer consulting services to other developers or homeowners looking to implement sustainable practices and smart technologies in their properties, charging fees for their expertise.

Real Estate Development: Apart from building smart homes, the business will engage in other real estate development projects, such as constructing commercial, improvement and resale of pre-existing properties or mixed-use properties, to diversify its income sources.

Rental Income: Instead of selling all properties, the company may choose to retain some smart homes in its portfolio and generate rental income by leasing them to tenants.

Partnerships and Collaborations: The business will form partnerships with technology providers, sustainable energy companies, or other stakeholders in the real estate industry, which may lead to revenue-sharing agreements or joint projects.

Boosting the Tourism Sector: Because we develop in Romania, a region rich in potential, we aim to invest in the tourism sector too. Holiday chalets, standalone structures, and comprehensive tourist complexes for rent. This approach will serve as a marketing advantage while ensuring a steady cash flow for our business.

Diversification: To keep our game strong, we ain’t putting all our eggs in one basket. We’ll be backing other top-notch blockchain/web3 projects, tech startups with eco-friendly energy solutions, healthcare innovations, and community development ventures. And for the long haul, we’ll have a kickass diversified portfolio rockin’ the stock exchange.

We have kickstarted the business using personal funds and will incrementally secure operational capital through the launch of our planned NFT Collections. With the integration of the tourism sector into our business model, we will harness access to non-refundable foreign funds available in Romania for the development of this sector, ensuring a steady cash flow for our operations. Full details will be available once we have the investment fund and depending on the market at the time. The generated profit will be disbursed as a form of passive income to the holders, based on the NFTs within their possession. For detailed information on this profit distribution mechanism, please refer to the 'Holder Benefits-Utility' section, tba. To strike a balance between short-term and long-term gains, we've devised a system set to go live right after the launch of the Origins collection. Its purpose is to deliver instant rewards while we drive profitability in the background of our business operations.

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